منظمة التنمية البشرية

تفسير سورة النبأ ( إنجليزي )

عنوان الكتاب تفسير سورة النبأ ( إنجليزي )

عنوان الكتاب بنفس اللغه The Day of Resurrection (Tafseer Surah an-Nabaa)

المدقق Muhammad AbdulRaoof

ناشر الكتاب A website Quran and Sunnah : http://www.qsep.com

القسم كتب باللغه الانجليزيه

وصف الكتاب في هذا الكتاب تفسير لسورة النبأ، وفيه وصفٌ للموت، وحياة ما بعد الموت في القبر، وهي البرزخ، وأحوال وأهوال يوم القيامة.

وصف الكتاب بنفس اللغه Belief in the Day of Resurrection gives meaning and purpose to our brief stay in this transient world. It is the believer's goal to win the Pleasure of His Lord by worshiping Him alone, fulfilling His Commands and refraining from His Prohibition during his worldly life-span. On the Day of Judgment, his fate will be decided in accordance with his record of deeds; he who fulfills his obligations will be rewarded with eternal bliss in Paradise, and he, who fails to be a believer, will be doomed to eternal Hell-Fire.

الزيارات 8759

التاريخ 23/2/2012

مصدر الكتاب http://www.islamhouse.com/p/373683

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تفسير سورة النبأ ( إنجليزي )
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