عنوان الكتاب رسالة الإمام أحمد في الصلاة ( إنجليزي )
عنوان الكتاب بنفس اللغه Ahmad ibn Hanbal's Treatise on Prayer (Salah)
مؤلف الكتاب Imam Ahmed ibn Hanbal
المدقق Muhammad AbdulRaoof
القسم كتب باللغه الانجليزيه
وصف الكتاب رسالة الإمام أحمد في الصلاة: رسالةٌ جمع فيها إمام أهل السنة والجماعة أحمد بن حنبل - رحمه الله تعالى - أحاديث ثبتت عنده عن النبي - صلى الله عليه وسلم - في الصلاة.
وصف الكتاب بنفس اللغه The treatise by Imam ibn Hanbal, the Imam of the Hanbali school of juristic reasoning, renowned for his steep knowledge, was written several hundred years ago to the inhabitants of a town where the Imam stayed for a period of time. It contains a full and clear description of the prayer and includes detailed observations of the mistakes, which Imam Ahmad observed during his time in that town. It was and remains an invaluable work for all Muslims. Detailing as it does many common errors made during prayers, some of which are serious enough to invalidate the act of worship.
الزيارات 3183
التاريخ 23/2/2012
مصدر الكتاب http://www.islamhouse.com/p/321977